
New Public Solicitor Aims High

by Vasinatta Yama – EM TV, Port Moresby

Jim Wala Tamate was sworn in today by Deputy Chief Justice Gibbs Salika as the new public solicitor.

In an interview, he said his first order of business would be to increase manpower in the office’s branches, as there are a lot of demands from the public for legal representation.

At his swearing in ceremony, he said he recognises the need for people who cannot afford to hire lawyers, and advises them to come freely to get legal assistance. Although he sees his new job as challenging, his vision is to serve the people.

He however maintained that the office needs manpower.

“The public solicitor’s office provides lawyers to District and National Courts, and recently to [the] Supreme Court, but lacks senior lawyers and experts.”

Jim Tamate comes from Hula in Central Province and has five children.
At the ceremony, it was a joyous moment today for his family. He served for 26 years in the public prosecutor’s office and was the acting prosecutor for two years before succeeding Frazer Pitpit as the new public solicitor.

Mr Tamate aims to continue to work from where Mr Pitpit left and build up manpower, especially in the national courts.

He sees that there are high demands by ordinary people and he pledged to serve them faithfully with help from his staff and make sure PNG has a peaceful and secure law and justice sector.

He will serve for a term of six years.

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