
NCDC Opens Buai Operation Centre

The National Capital District Commission officially opened the Buai Operations Centre today at the Engineering Department in Port Moresby today.


The Centre was officially opened by Governor Powes Parkop, Motu Koitabu Chairman Miria Ikupu, Buai Ban Controller Honk Kiap and NCD Assistant Commander Jim Andrews.

The centre is another stringent measure taken by NCD authorities to maintain and enforce the buai ban in the city.


Buai Ban Controller Honk Kiap said, the centre will not only deal with people who smuggle buai, spit in public places or litter but it will cater for everyone that breaks laws and regulations set by NCD.


Mr Kiap said despite the buai ban, residents in Port Moresby are selling betelnut in front of their homes or on the streets despite hefty fines set by NCD. Smuggling by police and discipline forces was evident, he added.


NCD Governor Powes Parkop said, since the buai ban, buai smugglers or offenders were not arrested and charged. He said that will not be tolerated as of tomorrow. Governor Parkop said, the centre has 2 cell blocks which will cater for those law breakers.


The centre contains cell blocks, storage area, toilet facilities, interview rooms and offices for police personal and buai ban regulators.

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