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National Alliance Set

Papua New Guinea is nineteen days away from the Issue of Writs.

The National Alliance Party has prepared over sixty candidates from around the country to carry the NA flag into the 2017 National Election.

NA held its Induction Day on Friday where party executives, including party founder, Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare, encouraged the candidates to work hard during these crucial times.

National Alliance Party commissioned over sixty candidates, including sitting MP’s on Friday.

Official photographs were taken in the party colors and the candidates were issued the party’s policies and constitution, and the leader’s code of conduct in preparation for the National Election.

Party founder, Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare, has already announced his exit from politics. This year the NA candidate who will contest the East Sepik Regional Seat is businessman Allan Bird. Sir Michael encouraged the party to maintain its fighting spirit.

National Alliance hit its lowest point in August of 2011 during the political impasse.

Party President, Walter Schnaubelt, who will be contesting the Namatanai Open seat, said since 2012, NA deliberately took the decision not to be distracted by anything, maintaining its loyalty in the current government as coalition partner to the ruling People’s National Congress Party.

NA President, Walter Schnaubelt, said, “Election 2017 is here. We, National Alliance are here and we have prepared ourselves to win as many seats as we can this election… NA is a known product. It’s a party others can trust. It is a party that remains committed to its word in good times and in tough times.”

NA Party Leader, Patrick Pruaitch, said an NA-led government would operate under a “People First” policy to improve living standards of the general population.

“An NA-led Government will also be committed to ensuring a competitive and modern legislative framework for our resources sector to ensure Papua New Guinea remains an attractive destination for Foreign Direct Investment, one of the most beneficial and effective ways of improving living standards by obtaining adequate resources for service delivery,” promised Pruaitch.

Mr. Schnaubelt said NA will now intensify its efforts to win, through all of its candidates. The induction program ended with the launch of the party’s campaign.


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