Mr. Namah said that the Prime Minister’s outburst over the K50m claim is a direct attack on the Ombudsman Commission.
He is willing to meet with the Ombudsman Commission and other relevant state authorities to clarify this claim.
Mr. Namah told a news conference this afternoon that funds used by his party were private funds and not public funds.
His was responding to claims made against him by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill.
The Prime Minister raised his concern stating that the Ombudsman Commission failed to investigate allegations against Belden Namah for using K50m during the 2012 elections.
In response to the PM’s statement, Namah said that he is not accountable to the Prime Minister and is willing to cooperate with any authority to clarify this claim.
He called on the Prime Minister not to interfere with the Ombudsman Commission.
The Registry of Political Parties and Candidates is the lawful authority to deal with this matter, said the Opposition leader.
Registrar of Political Parties Dr. Alphonse Gelu has said that the issue is now within the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman Commission.
Dr Gelu added that it is very sensitive, as it deals with members of Parliament and will only comment when advised.