As a way of supporting conservative efforts in Karamui Salt Nomane Distritc in Simbu province, the member for the District Francis Alua has committed a total of K100,000 towards improving a conservation area in the Karimui Local Level Government.
This announcement was made during a Memorandum of Understanding between seven parties recently.
This commitment will complete the remaining 30% of programs that need to be finished starting next year.
The Karimui-Salt Nomane District Administration will provide a full-time Support Officer to work with the responsible organization and Karimui LLG to fast-track and completee the remaining 30%. The officer will provide reports and act on behalf of the LLG and the district during the implementation.
The program will help the community of Karimui LLG to protect the 212,000 hectares of forest as a conservation area. This will be the first in the highland’s region and the largest conservation area in PNG.
Partners with Melenisian has completed 70% of the work and needs 30 % more to be completed before it is gazetted.
The seven parties include Melanesians Inc Conservation Environment Protection Authority, Karimui District Development Authority, Karimui Local Level Government, Simbu Provincial Government, Karimui Conservation Resource Management Program Inc. and Mt Karimui Farmers Cooperative Society Limited.
It is based on a 3-years partnership.