Momase News

Morobe Education System Cleanup

The Morobe Provincial Education Division had set a 5-year target to clean up the system from 2017 to 2021.

Teachers with questionable qualifications will be identified, and removed; and stricter disciplinary action will be imposed based on a new set of standards.

The Provincial Program Advisor said, the division is expected to implement these targets starting this academic year.

Many schools in Morobe have vacancies because the education division has not taken on board all the new teaching graduates for TVET, Secondary and Primary schools.

Teachers who graduated last year from colleges throughout the country missed out in the 2017 postings.

The cleaning process of the division’s education system also includes students’ discipline.

With the high rate of school fights in Morobe last year, the Division has decided to phase out the boarding facilities of Bugandi Secondary school in Lae.

The Education Division had set a new strategy in constructing provincial school rules for schools in Morobe, which will be endorsed by the Provincial Education Board, and will be ready to use after the Provincial Executive Council sights it.

The Provincial Program Advisor said they are cleaning up the system also including the administration of the Education Division.

Jiram said more effort will be put into processing of teachers’ leave fares.

Furthermore, the Provincial Social Sector will be imposing disciplinary actions to all officers working at the administration level, to make sure the officers perform their duties.

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