News Southern

Morata Killing: Two Suspects Apprehended

by Vanessa Knight – EM TV, Port Moresby

Two suspects have been apprehended by police whilst two others are still yet to make themselves available for questioning, in relation to the death of a Pangia man in a State of Origin and alcohol related killing at Morata this week.

Police say the deceased went to a tucker shop belonging to an Engan in the early hours of Thursday morning, and encountered a physical confrontation with youths from Goroka. 

A man from Wabag is also believed to be involved.

Police told EM TV News that the deceased was chased by the group of youths to his yard where the murder took place.

The situation in one of the most notoriously feared surburbs in Port Moresby escalated following the tragic killing, with relatives of the deceased retaliating by burning down 10 houses and a bus, belonging to People from Enga and Goroko.

Police personnel were instructed to patrol the area on Tursday and Friday, to contain the situation and maintain peace in the community.

Metropolitan Superintendent Andy Bawa told EM TV News that four suspects have been identified in relation to the death.

One of the suspects, from Goroka, was handed over to the police by the Engan community yesterday morning and is currently being detained at the Boroko Police Cell.

Bawa and several police officers entered Morata yesterday afternoon to meet with leaders from both factions, who promised to surrender the other three suspects, however only one suspect was handed over to the police after much persuasion from Bawa and team.

A large crowd gathered at an open area to discuss the issue with police, which locals have admitted to have eventuated from alcohol consumption despite a liquor ban imposed in all settlements and residential areas.

Community leaders then put out a prevention order on any further problems relating to the issue, warning that any person reigniting tension will be dealt with by law enforcers.

The Metropolitan Superintendent came to an agreement with community leaders to return next week to mediate on the issue, but at the same time, instructed community leaders to be responsible and hand over the two remaining suspects before the mediation.

With the apprehension of suspects, Bawa said the Pangia community has agreed to let police deal with the situation.

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