
Men’s Participation in Maternal and Child Health

Every day, five women in Papua New Guineadie of preventable child birth related causes.


Sixty one children underthe age of five die of preventable illnesses for every 1000 live births.

This is one ofthe highest mortality rates inthe Asia and Pacific Regions.


The National Catholic Health and HIV Services and BernetInstitute will stage a conference tomorrow to identifythe causes and find solutions.


Traditionally inthe country, most matters related to pregnancy, childbirth and child rearing is left tothe women in families, while generally men have not played much of a role.


However,there is growing recognition that men have a critical role to play in maternal and child health.


The two–day conference will be hosted by National Catholic Health and HIV Services andthe BernetInstitute,the only accredited Medical research institute in Australia.


The conference, fully-funded by Global Fund, aims to encourage greater participation of men in maternal and child health and futhermore, reduce mortality rates.


Participants will look atthe current participation of men in maternal and child health,the challenges and risks to gettingthem more involved and strategies to encourage greater male involvement.


There will be research presentations onthe issue and recommendations onthe way forward.


FormerWorld – Kick boxing Champion and fther of three, Stanley Nandex, will givethe keynote address at 9am inthe morning at Don Besco TechnologicalInstitute at East Beroko in Port Moresby.

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