
Lae Police to Maintain Presence at Unitech Campus

By Martha Louis – EMTV News, Lae

Lae police have been invited into the Unitech campus by the administration, after a faction of disgruntled students threatened university security guards on Wednesday afternoon.

University security guards walked off the job leaving the gate and the university campus unattended.

Students put out a banner that they will continue boycotting classes.

Lae Metropolitan Commander Chief Superintendent, Anthony Wagambie Jnr, received a formal request in writing asking for police to enter the campus.

At 8am yesterday, police units were dispatched to the campus. Police officers were on campus to make sure students were not intimidated by the other faction of students.

“Police are on campus to protect government property,” Wagambie Jnr said.

There are also reports from the administration that some students who want to attend classes are feeling intimidated about doing so.

Wagambie Jnr says a police presence at campus is not to force anyone into attending classes.

“They have their rights and can go about in a peaceful manner without intimidating or harassing each other,” he said.

The Lae Metropolitan Commander is also discouraging students from accommodating outsiders in their rooms at the university.

His comment follows a suspect who was not a student and was on campus in the early hours of the morning, trying to cause problems with the campus security guards.

Police presence will still be maintained as long as it is called for by the university administration.

Wagambie Jnr also wants students not to take police presence as a threat.

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