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Lae City Dwellers Receives K1 Million Support from Morobe Provincial Government


by Bethanie Harriman – EM TV News, Lae

Telikom National Soccer League side Lae City Dwellers has been given a K1 million boost from the Morobe Provincial Government.

The Provincial Executive Council (PEC), known as Tutumung, passed a decision to inject the funding into the champion club.

Morobe Governor, Kelly Naru, presented the money this morning.

“It’s public funds they will put to use and they will account to us [the provincial government],” said Naru.

Some critics will say the while the provincial government has supported one Morobe team, the national government has cut two thirds of funding going into church run health centres around the country. Therefore, provincial governments, including Morobe, will have to provide more funding towards health.

The Morobe Governor says he believes that it’s for the best.

“So it’s all about putting public funds and resources together for the benefit of our young people,” said Governor Naru.

There are also Morobe’s law and order issues, of which the Morobe PEC has made severe cuts to its rural policing; last year K1 million, this year K800,000.

“I believe this money will be properly used and accounted for,” said Lae City Dwellers Coach, Peter Gunemba.

The Dwellers are defending champions, and are still in the race for this year’s title.

At the end of the domestic competition, they will take part in the Oceania Football Champions League.

“Some interesting times for Lae City Dwellers, finals coming up and first going for OFC Champions League in New Zealand,” said Panamex National Sales Manager, Roland Ram.

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