
Informal Sector: Parkop Boosts Fishing

The people of Motu Koita continue to be marginalized on their own land, but since taking office, NCD Governor Powes Parkop has tried to change that.

Fifteen fishermen can now part take in income generating activities to sustain their livelihood.


They were given 15 units of outboard motors and dinghie’s by Governor Parkop today.


It is an ongoing effort by the Governor to assist local Motu Koita people.


Funds were made available under the provincial support improvement program specifically to support the Motu Koita people participate in economic activities.


This year K285, 000 was allocated to purchase 15 outboard motors and dinghies from Ela Motors.


Governor Parkop appealed to the recipients to utilize the economic assets well. Previous recipients have abused the resources awarded in the past, prompting the governor to have the program reviewed this year.


Roy Charlie, a local fisherman, welcomed the Governor’s generous support.


In the meantime, NCDC has already awarded the contract for the fish market to PNG Forest Products. It will be built at a cost of K10m with work to begin soon.


This is also anticipated to boost fishing and income earning opportunities for the locals.

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