Highlands News

Governor Powi adamant to complete 2019 Projects in 2020

An incomplete high school in Southern Highlands has been allocated K2 million to complete more learning infrastructure.

The board and school administration of Nembi Plateau High School in Nipa District have been urged to identify projects for 2020.” Sit together and draw conclusions to the very need this schools needs so proper learning infrastructure is built,”, said Governor Powi.

Powi says this is vital to accommodate the huge enrolment in the plateau, adding that the Marape-Steven Government is redefining the Education Policy so the mass population is educated.

For Nembi Plateu High School, few classrooms including teachers’ houses have been built but need additional staff house and school buildings.
On the same day Governor Powi also visited Tegiba Health Centre.

An incomplete health facility that has seen no work because of funding.

However work is said to continue in 2020.

The health facility will serve over 150 thousand people and houses an outpatient, consultation room, pharmacy and dental clinic.

Southern Highlands Governor William Powi says incomplete projects in 2019 must be completed in 2020.By Jack Lapauve Jr – EM TV News, Port Moresby

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