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Two business houses who were affected by January 10th riots received second phase of government’s support in Port Moresby over the weekend.

Two cheques, one worth over K16 million, was presented to the CPL Group whilst another worth K98, 000.00 to a local software company JYVX Ltd for wages support.

Government Chief Secretary Ivan Pomaleu presented the cheques to CPL Board Director Mary Handen and Jaive Smare owner of JVYX Ltd in front of CPL’s new supermarket, which opened two days ago in Port Moresby.

Chief Secretary Pomaleu said that the National Government has made a second phase of payment to support businesses affected by the unfortunate events of 10th January 2024 in the country where major shops were looted, torched, and destroyed.

Mr. Pomaleu said, “CPL was one of those hit hard by the incident when a number of its shops were burnt and looted. Since that unfortunate incident of January 10th our government has responded to support the salaries of workers who were displaced when the shops they worked were burnt and that was followed by other phases of support to CPL and other businesses affected.

 “The presentation this morning is to support CPL restock such as CPL’s new supermarket here at Rainbow, and the other phase is the actual reconstruction,” he said.

 “CPL has opened this premises two days ago and this to us, government, shows the commitment, dedication and resilience of the company to continue to trade and providing important services to our communities,’’ said Chief Secretary Pomaleu.

He said this is the second support as early in the year CPL was supported with wages support immediately after the events of 10th of January, and this support is for restocking and rebuilding premises purposes.

So far, over 30 companies, both in Port Moresby and other centers, have benefited from the government assistance program and a total of K50 million worth of cheques presented to these companies to date. Chief Secretary Pomaleu said.

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