A young man in his mid-20s from Gavuone village in Abau District, Central Province, has been missing for almost three days after he went with a few others on a fishing trip.
Napoleon Maune comes from quite a big family, in which he has about ten siblings. He is said to have mysteriously disappeared whilst diving with a snorkel and fishing gun underwater to catch fish for an aunt of his, at a reef area towards the east of Gavuone village last Saturday (January 23) morning.
According to the account of others who were about thirty metres away from him in the water, they realised he had not come back up to the surface of the water and they started searching for him but to no avail.
By Saturday afternoon, the entire village heard about the disappearance.
Yesterday (Sunday January 24) about 16 dinghies full of experienced fishermen and other villagers went on a search rescue mission to locate him. But unfortunately, they could only find his fishing gun.
The search continued today and village leaders announced that if his body is not found in the next couple of days, a declaration will be made upon accordingly.
It is understood police have been notified about the disappearance, and the cause of his disappearance remains unknown.