News Southern

Frustrated Koiari Landowners Demand Response to their Petition

By Sharlyne Eri – EMTV News, Port Moresby


Clans of Koiari in Central, say they will take matters into their own hands if relevant authorities do not respond to their petition by the end of this week.

The Koiari landowners are currently holding a sit-in protest in response to unanswered petitions sent to some ministers and concern authorities.

Regular commuters to Sogeri would not miss the banners and notice boards put up by the landowners who have been camping along the road since November.

Billy Iwai, the Ward 5 Councillor told EMTV News that they have been camping for two months.

He says they presented their petition to Eda Ranu and PNG Water Board on October 29 and they are still waiting for a response.

So far, three petitions have been sent out with the recent one to the Government, seeking 30 million kina to fund a land mobilisation project.

The project will allow for ILG registrations, land vetting and social mapping, which will then allow for proper distribution of royalties to landowners.

The Landowners said they only wanted funds to get the projects off the ground so they can be paid their royalties.

Some Clan leaders have raised concerns that they were many pop-up groups claiming to be landowners.

The frustrated landowners say they want a response from the relevant authorities as soon as possible.


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