Teachersatthe St. Paul Primary School in Lae city saythe free education policy is causing education standards to drop.
On average one teacher attends to fifty-six students’in a classroom making effective learning difficult.
“We are teachingthe students’but some students’who need more of our attention struggle to understand,” said Deputy Principle Keko Genkawa.
This is one of many reactions towardthe government’s free education policy and its impacts.
Early last month, similar concerns were raised by Maprik MP, John Simon, who sawthe problem in his rural district.
He said thatthere is an increase in students’flooding into Primary Schools in Maprik.
Teachersrsquo; say whilethey struggle to educate an increased number of students’incentives owed tothem bythe government remain outstanding.
The teachers say problems of housing including travel fares and delayed salaries still remain unresolved.
Pictured: Lae St. Paul Primary School Deputy Principle Keko Genkawa.