
Family homeless after eviction by Police

By Jack Lapauve Jr – EMTV News, Port Moresby

On April 6, a family in Port Moresby was forcefully evicted by a group of police officers and remain homeless for almost a week.

According to the family members, the land was bought by a Motuan woman, in Central Province from the National Housing Corporation officers.

The members say no proper eviction notice or legal document was presented advising of the eviction. They condemn the approach by the police officers saying it was ‘inhuman’.

The family has written letters to Moresby North West MP, Sir Mekere Morauta, NCD Governor, Powes Parkop, Department of Lands and Moresby South MP, Justin Tkatchenko seeking help.

They also want NHC to explain the process of title transfer and compensation for damages to properties.

A fence wall has already been established keeping the family out of the block of land which they had lived on for the past 35 years.

It is a similar trend for many evicted stories that EMTV has covered, despite the government putting a stop to all evictions on NHC properties.

Housing Minister, John Kaupa, says the eviction is illegal and will be looking into the report. Minister Kaupa says his Office has stopped all evictions.

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