Health Life News

Angau Hospital’s New Electronic Blood Test Analyzer

by Colleen Bariale – EM TV, Lae

Lae’s Angau Hospital will be providing improved blood-testing services, following the arrival of its new machine for blood test analysis.

Angau Hospital’s acting CEO, Dr. Jim Abrahams, says the new blood test analyzer will replace the old and slow manual system.

The blood-testing machine will be serving patients seeking pathology services from within Morobe and other provinces.

The new blood testing machine will aid pathologists at Angau, and improve pathology services in Morobe.

The advanced machine will allow pathologists to diagnose and treat patients at a quicker rate and electronically produce results.

Angau’s acting CEO, Dr. Jim Abrahams, said the Immunochemistry Analyzer would be used as the main analyzing machine for Angau’s Cancer Centre and also aid in diagnosing and treating other diseases.

Previously, Angau’s pathology services unit had a slow manual system of collecting and analyzing blood test results for its patients.

Today, pathologists at the local hospital can be able to diagnose and treat their patients at a comprehensive level with the aid of this fast and electronic blood test analyzer.

As this new blood-testing machine is the first of its kind at Angau and the entire country, more patients seeking pathology tests will expect to be diagnosed and treated at Angau instead of overseas.

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