A leatherback turtle travelling to Morobe from Germany, is just some hours away from reaching the coastline of Lababia where it will lay its eggs.
The turtle is believed to be about 50 years old, was previously tagged as part of a study. Like most turtle species, it is returning to its place of origin.
Officers from the Department of Environment, and Conservation, are monitoring the turtle’s progress.
Last month, another leatherback travelled all the way from California in the United States, to Lababia, laid her eggs there, and returned on the long journey.
Local communities have all been notified, and are looking out for the turtle.
Many coastal communities around the country, still consider turtles as part of their diet. But there is hope that their numbers can be replenished, with more awareness amongst villages who hunt turtles for meat.
With the tracking program following the journey of this committed leatherback, it is hoped that more people will realise the commitment that mother nature has instilled in animals like turtles, who travel millions of miles, all by instinct.
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