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Eastern Highlands Governor Peter Numu joins Opposition

By Adelaide Kari – EMTV News, Port Moresby

Parliament resumed with question and answer session this morning.
Eastern Highlands Governor Peter Numu began proceedings by asking a series of questions directed to Treasurer, Charles Abel.

Whilst the Treasurer was responding, Governor Numu, unhappy with the response being received, made known his intention to cross the floor and join the Opposition.

Following his announcement, Governor Numu together with the Opposition walked out of the Chamber whilst it was still in session.

Two of the questions to the Treasurer, Charles Abel, were in relation to the Government’s stance on the Agriculture Industrial Park – a Chinese Investment totalling to K1 billion, and funding from the Coffee Stabilisation funds from 2000-2017 owed to Eastern Highlands coffee growers.

But whilst the Treasurer was responding, Governor Numu was not satisfied, instead, interrupting with the point of order and then making his decision to break from government ranks known.

As the Eastern Highlands Governor walked out, the opposition followed with the treasurer responding to the point of order saying it was uncalled for by the Governor.

The opposition called a media conference while parliament was still in session – eager to welcome the Eastern Highlander Governor and also assuring the nation they were lobbying to get other MP’s across.

Governor Numu has said the move is in the best interest of the people of Eastern Highlands and the opposition will accompany him to Goroka to allow the people of Eastern Highlands in the most rural area to understand his move.

EMTV News was able to get a comment from the Prime Minister before he left parliament on the Governors move saying and quote “ I don’t talk about silly things.”

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