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Caption: Front row: Secretary Philip Leo (fourth from right) amongst senior officers from SILAG and DPLGA. Second row: The twelve officers that underwent the week long training.
Picture CREDIT: DPLGA Media

Twelve  new officers of the Department of Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs (DPLGA) were certified then sworn into the public service in Port Moresby last week Friday.

The officers underwent a week- long training at the Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance (SILAG).

During the graduation ceremony, DPLGA Secretary Philip Leo advised the graduating batch to be agents of change in the Department.

“You have to commit yourself to the oath you recited to be agents of change.  

“You have to nurture good habits like arriving early to work, getting paid the honest way by completing daily tasks, looking neat, approachable and professional in the office at all times,” he said.

He urged the officers to refrain from unprofessional behavior of chewing betel nut and smoking cigarette inside the office and going to work intoxicated.

He further stressed on the importance of being committed to state.

“As you move up rank and file, you have to relieve yourself from some responsibilities at home.

“I understand that we have responsibilities at home but as public servants, we have sworn an oath to be responsible to all Papua New Guineans,” he added.

He told the officers that the week-long training was not just a requirement for public servants but a career pathway in the public service.

The 12 participants were all presented National Certificate 2 in Government and Public Service Induction after five-day intensive training.

Samson Kendeman speaking on behalf of the course participants thanked DPLGA for making it possible for the induction to be successfully completed and delivered on time.

“We are privileged and honored to be qualified as public servants and be agents of change in our respective division.

“We rest assure you all that what we learnt here is not a waste of resources and time, but will execute efficiently and diligently at our respective works places,” he concluded.

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