Globally, the broadcasting media industry is transforming lives daily and rapidly. What was new a decade ago is now considered archaic and outdated.
Pacific island countries are no different. Although a tad bit late when joining the shift from analogue to digital media, broadcasters in the island nations are at a transitioning stage, urged by experts in the broadcast media industry to develop or be left behind as the rest of the world advances.
According to the World Bank, it is increasingly recognized that broadcasting has an important role to play in development. As a widespread tool of information transfer, as a method to improve governance, as an important economic sector in its own right and as a potential access point to new information and communications technologies.
There has been significant development through technological advances, the success of telecom liberalisation and the central role of broadcasters in fostering creativity.
It is incontestable that the past decade has seen quite a few developments, according to ITU Expert, Dr. Andrew King, who says that broadcasters in the Pacific will need to keep up or be left behind as the rest of the world advances.