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By Gladys Kila

The Heart is the happy centre in the human body. To combat, eliminate and address heart diseases in Papua New Guinea it requires team work from relevant stakeholders around the country.

Speaking during the world heart day, Port Moresby General Hospital Director medical services Dr. Kone Sobi said, medical health workers as well as its partners must work collaboratively in teams to coordinate and deliver educational awareness about a healthy lifestyle in the city, communities and the country.

He said, public campaigns are very important because, teams carrying out awareness become the first point of access to information for people who have not heard of simple health information that will help them in the long run.

Back in the days our forefathers relied heavily on organic food that helped maintain their health.

However, lifestyle diseases such as heart disease have become common among the young population after grasping and adapting to the western diet and practicing unhealthy habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption.

He said, the target population that need more of the awareness programs are the working population.

Dr. Sobi further added, in order to address heart diseases, having the right facilities was also paramount in strengthening the cardiac units.

 “If we have the facilities we also need the equipment’s and the resources to ensure the facility serves its purposes and off course having the right human resource.

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