Business PNG Programs

Business PNG – Episode 5 Season 9, 2018

It is common knowledge that doing Business in Papua New Guinea can be quite challenging, with the many loopholes and hurdles businesses have to settle before even starting operations.

PNG is currently ranked 109 in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business list, while our neighbours; Fiji and Samoa are ranked much higher. So why is this the case?

Many of the country’s business houses list Security, Corruption and a general lack of infrastructure as some of the major challenges they face.

In this episode we speak to two Papua New Guinean businesses to hear their stories; one an SME only a few years old but making head waves and breaking new ground as a pioneer in the Entertainment and Gaming industry in Papua New Guinea, Toro Gaming.

And the other is a Papua New Guinean gem and household name specialising in household goods amongst others, Brian Bell Group of Companies.

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