
Boreboa Chaos: Students Injected

All hell broke loose at the Boreboa Primary school in the nation’s capital this morning after students claimed they had been injected by suspicious looking men.

The students claimed it was 666. The police were called onto the scene to investigate the true cause of the chaos.


If the Police had not intervened, it’s feared an elementary school teacher could have become a victim of violence from enraged parents and guardians. The incident occurred at around 8am this morning here at Boreboa Primary in North Waigani, Port Moresby.


Parents and guardians ran into the school to get ahold of their children. It was alleged that about four elementary students were injected by suspicious looking men; a man of Asian origin and two Papua New Guinean men. The crowd converged at this elementary classroom, thinking the suspects were still inside.


The police fired several shots into the air, trying their best to disperse the crowd. It turned out there was no-one in there. The magnitude of the panic caused destruction to the back of the classroom. Now an added expense for the school.


The parents and guardians were asked to convene at the school's assembly ground. Much of the public’s anger was centred at a female teacher in charge of Elementary. She said she was not aware of what had happened because she had arrived later. Her colleague spoke on her behalf.


The school administration said it was not aware of any organisation or individuals coming into the school to carry out injections. If this were the case, it should have been informed and parents and guardians should have signed consent forms beforehand. This NCD health worker explains.


These are two of the students who claim they had been injected. Because of the emotional state of those gathered 2nd in charge of the Waigani Police station, Jack Wesil called for all witnesses to be interviewed at the police station instead of making it a public debate.


Students were sent home for the day. But when all was thought to be over and done with, a vehicle claiming to be selling sports bags from trophy house arrived.

The vehicle was treated as suspicious; the police arrived back on the scene and took the vehicle and all its occupants to the police station for questioning.


At this stage, what happened here today is been treated as speculation, but the public is emphasising that if it was infact part of the Education departments program, then proper awareness and procedures should have been followed beforehand.

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