
Biometric Registration Commenced In Lae

The Biometric Data Registration rollout for Lae district started today, with the registration of its volunteers.

The process includes collecting of personal information, fingerprints, facial and iris scans. Registration for the rest of the district will begin next month.

Information from the data collected will then be used by the government, to plan for accurate service delivery. It would also assist in reducing crime and corruption in the district, as police will also be given access to the information.


Volunteers from all over Lae have been selected and are undergoing training and registration. Equipment like these are going to be used in getting fingerprints, facial and iris scans.


After registration, a copy of the personal information will be printed and signed by the person and a witness. When the registration starts, people who have lived in the city for more than six months will be registered.


With this rollout, the provincial government has also issued eviction notices to illegal settlements in the city to be evicted. However, the evictions did not eventuate, as the provincial government has not budgeted for the evictions.


The Biometric data Registration is said to be the way forward in addressing the social and economic problems in the Lae districts.

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