The Prime Minister explained futher atthe News Conference that an attractive aid package worth millions of kina has been secured underthe Manus asylum agreement.
O’Neill said for the first time, Australia’s aid program will be aligned withPNG’s development priorities.
The Benefits fromthe Asylum seeker deal include:
Funding ofthe redevelopment and upgrading of UPNG and UNITECH as recommended bythe Garnaut/Namaliu Report.
The funding of a new and modern base hospital for Lae on a 50/50 funding basis withthe national government.
Upgrading ofthe Lae-Madang highway.
Funding ofthe construction ofthe new Lower Courts Complex in Port Moresby.
Support for the government’s law and order program throughthe provision of 50 police, funded by Australia, to be in Port Moresby and Lae bythe end ofthe year.
And Additional capacity building assistance in health,the CIS and public service.
The Lombrum Naval base will be upgraded. Roadsnthe province will be significantly improverd. There will be new health centres and schools provided, andthe airport will be upgraded.
Futhermore, businesses on Manus will directly benefit throughthe provision of goods and services.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill says our economy will given a massive boostowiththe first benefits to be seen in a short period of time.
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