
Christmas Operarions In The Nations Capital

Withthe developments and influx of people intothe citythe ratio in terms of police manpower againstthe growing population is way belowthe required UN ratio of 1 policeman per four hundred people.


This was made known today during a parade atthe Beroko Police Station to launchthe Christmas and New Year NCD Police Operations.


The parade started with a march fromthe back ofthe Beroko police station tothe front car park.


NCD Metropolitan Commander Andy Bewa than inspectedthe guard of honour along with Metropolitan SuperintendentoPerou Ndranou. 



He added that NCD has been a very challenging command and withthe development andthe influx of people intothe citythe ratio in terms of manpower againstthe growing population is way belowthe required UN ratio of 1 policeman to 400.


 “There will be a total liquor ban from Christmas to new year”. Said Bewa when asked about alcohol selling duringthe Festive Season.


The operations starts today and troops are expected to be patrolthe streets aroundthe city. Bewa wantedthe community to work withthe police for a better and safe Festive session.


He also  warned mischief-makers thatthey would be detained and taken into custody.

One ofthe main areas of patrol will bethe 5 mile Jack Pidik park area due tothe growing number of opportunist taking advantage on those wanting to go and seethe Christmas lights.

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