The birth of a new baby is a joyous time for families and even more so whenthe babies born on Christmas Day
Port Moresby General Hospital recorded a total of 20 Christmas babies between 12am and 3pm.
Ofthe 20 born, 8 are females and 12 are males.
The delivery ward is currently full and staff saythe figure is expected to rise by anther 20 by mid-night.
The heaviest baby was a healthy boy from Enga Province weighing 4kgs, born at 1pm.
Bet a 3.7 kg baby boy of Oro parentage wasthe center of attention, having weighed inthe heaviest when EMTV visitedthe Ward this morning.
His mther, Edith Beako, was filled with joy as she already has three daughters and this will be her only son inthe family.
A first time mther from West Sepik Province was overjoyed with her little bundle.
Mid-wife, Sister Annette Semo said all babies were safely delivered.’s ?feature=oembed&wmode=opaque&showinfo=0&showsearch=0&rel=0
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