National Planning Minister and member for Alotau Open, Charles Abel, visited his electorate recently to hand-over resources purchased usingthe District Service Improverment Program (DSIP).
It took almost 4 days for Minister Abel to get down to his people and deliverthe much needed resources in those rural areas.
With most villages inthe Alotau district scattered alongthe coastoislands and inland,the member for Alotau had to travel by air to visit his people.
Mr. Abel’s first stop was tothe settlements for the distribution of water tanks, toilets and roofing irons.
Mr. Abel also had talks with Suau islanders for the building of a new jetty, new health center whilethe Rabaraba people were presented a tractor and backhoe for road building.
Mr. Abel assured his people of his commitment to servethem.
All funding of infrastructures, resources, machinery and thers were sourced fromthe Alotau DSIP funds.