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Minister Tomuriesa on Importance of News Reporting

The importance of accuracy in news reporting was emphasised again today, at the Pacific Media Partnership Conference in Port Moresby.

Minister representing the Prime Minister, Douglas Tomuriesa, told participants at the conference that the way media portrays Papua New Guinea overseas is not always positive.

Standing in for the Prime Minister, the Minister for Forest & Climate, Douglas Tomuriesa, said Papua New Guinea is a country that is changing from traditional commodities to modern economy in a single generation.

Mr Tomuriesa said PNG’s economy continues to grow and attract investments. And with a thriving media sector, he said responsibility and accuracy in news reports was vital.

He said with the increasing use of smart phones and other ICT devices, cost of data must continue to decrease.

Minister Tomuriesa told the gathering that while many foreign media revert to old stereotypes when portraying PNG abroad, the real PNG is quite different.

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