Apart from the women’s division, this weekend’s semi-final for the A Reserve and the Premier divisions of the Port Moresby Cricket Association are expected to be tough as Barramundis players stand down from local competition a week before their Australian tour travel date.
Most of the Barramundis are attached to traditional rivals, Dulux United, IBS Poreporena and Swire Shipping Hood. All of which are competing in the finals.
Port Moresby Cricket Association (POMCA) Vice President, Charles Amini, said despite no 2015 competition due to the Pacific Games, this year’s three months of competition has played out well for both the players and the POMCA Board.
After the reduction of three turfs to one at Amini Park, POM Cricket carried out matches in the nearby villages including Tubusereia and Vabukori.
Amini said this displacement also brought POMCA positivity because interest and participation increased.
Meanwhile, this weekend’s clash between Dulux United and Pure Water Raukele as well as Swire Shipping Hoods and IBS Poreporena for the A Reserves, are expected to be interesting as the players will have to step up their game now that elite players, the Barramundis have been laid off from competition.
The women’s will have Dulux United face Swire shipping Hoods while PMMI Coasters take on IBS Logohu.
Winners from these matches will face off in the grand finale coming up after the Legends Big Bash.