Evicted settlers fromthe Arts Centre Settlement in Port Moresby have taken out a court injunction to stop any futher eviction againstthem.
The court order was issued last week by Justice Graham Sakora, restrainingthe developers Macata Enterprises andthe Police from futher evictions.
More than four thousand people have been displaced sincethe eviction began two weeks ago.
Those who remain live in makeshift shelters whiletheir lLeaderstakethe fight against lease holders Macata Enterprises.
The Court Order entered onthe 14th of this month and handed down by Justice Graham Sakora effectively stops any futher evictions by Macata Enterprises. It also stops any futher police involvement.
Settlers, however, still allege thatthe police continue to visitthe area and harass people.
These allegations resurface after NCD Metroplitan Superintendent Andy Bewa stated earlier that no such assaults took place.
Macata Enteprises Managing Director Tom Amaiu has stated that an attempt to relocatethem was met with stiff opposition. He said giventhe circumstances he is still willing to assistthem.
NCD Governor Powes Parkop has deploredthe eviction and has stated he may assistthem intheir legal battle.
Cedric Patjole, National EMTV News