
PM: Govt. Committed to Improverment of Defence Force

Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, today launchedthe National Security Policy and Defence White Paper, at Murray Barracks in Port Moresby.

Mr. O’Neil toldthe crowd that attended that our responses to security issues have been largely disjointed, with national security institutions being neglected. This has created discipline problems withinthe force, with ther issues beingthe rundown state ofthe barracks andthe lack in welfare ofthe workers.


Beth policies were developed togther to coordinate and implement national security measures, and to rebuild our Defence Force.


He said his government is now committed;the Modernisation Program ofthe Royal Papua New GuineaConstabulary, anPNG Defence White Paper are examples ofthe government’s commitment to improverment.


The Defence Minister and Member for North Waghi, Dr. Fabian Pok, saidthe K30 million given tPNG Defence Force bythe government will go to staff housing.


He also said thatthe Defence Service Retireent Act will be amended soon.


Dr. Pok and Mr. O’Neil both saidthey are devoted to changingthe face ofthe Defence Force to address and improverthe security of this nation.

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