Aspiring musicians from Manus and aroundthe country now havethe opportunity to learn music using modern facilities.
The Maria Molnar Christian Music School was opened last Friday in Lugos, Manus Province.
PNGSDP a major sponsor ofthe project invested almost two hundred and seventy thousand kina.
Many people fromthe surrounding communities turned out to withness this small but significant event. Majority were members ofthe Evangelical Church of Manus.
PNGSDP andthe church partnered in this project withPNGSDP contributing K260, 880 andthe school contributing K107, 000 in materials, labour and project management.
The ceremony saw lots of entertainment.
Project Manager Dr Bernd Mortseifer saidthe music school is aimed to train people of all ages about music and how to play music.
He has developed a music education curriculum for the new centre and is conducting lessons and training for local staff.
It is a one year program and Dr Mortseifer saysthe ultimate dream is to start an orchestra.
PNGSDP program manager, Lawrence Stephens sain PNG DP was happy to assist inthe project. This in PNG DP’s second funding assistance to Manus Province afterthe M’Beke Agriculture Project.
Sixteen students’have already enrolled in full-time music studies andthe centre is also providing music courses to local primary and secondary school children.
Ruth Rungula, National EMTV news