Health Life News

10 Foods that Make You Look Younger

By Hope Imaka – EMTV Online


2016 is just around the corner and everyone is gearing up with fresh new plans to turn their life around towards the positive bend. Looking Younger and healthier is one!

Why not give your skin a treat by rejuvenating it, giving it a healthier more vibrant kick to it by eating these natural remedies. You’ll be sure to be on the road to younger days in no time!




Getting up early and having that cup of java not only gives you a much needed boost to your day; that cuppa has bioactive compounds that protects your skin from melanoma (the world’s most common skin cancer).

Researchers found that those who drink up to four cups of coffee had a 20% lower risk of developing malignant melanoma over a 10-year period than non-coffee drinkers.




Watermelon is loaded with LYCOPENE. “This antioxidant compound gives watermelon and tomatoes their red colour – and helps skin stave off UV damage,” says nutrition pro Keri Glassman, RD, founder of

Researchers believe that watermelon contains up to 40% more of phytochemical than raw tomatoes; that’s the equivalent of an SPF 3. So use it to bolster your use of sunscreen when you’re having some fun in the sun!




A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that higher Vitamin C intake lessened the likelihood of dryness and wrinkles in middle-aged women.

Pomegranates are bursting with Vitamin C and other antioxidants! Also in the fruit’s stash: anthocyanins (helps increase collagen production, giving skin a firmer look), and ellagic acid (a natural chemical that reduces inflammation caused by UV damage).




Boost your skins radiant look by popping some of these berries!  Blueberries supply vitamins C and E (two vitamins that tighten and brighten skin, and fights off free-radical damage), as well as arubtin (a natural derivative of the skin lightener hydroquinone.)




Shellfish has anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat a range of skin annoyances (acne included). Lobster for one is super high in zinc, which accelerates the renewal of skin cells. In fact research shows that people with acne have lower levels of zinc than people with clear skin.




This long leafy nutrient filled veggie has in its arsenal vitamin K, which promotes healthy blood clotting, so the blood vessels around the eyes don’t leak; and loads of iron.

To max out the benefits, eat this leafy green cooked, not raw.




Eggs are a good source of biotin, a B complex vitamin that metabolizes amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.

Knowing that nails are also made of protein, having a crack at these protein filled foods will have you ready for a special beauty treatment and mani-pedi.




Omega-3 fatty acids (found in the natural oils that keep your hair hydrated) and vitamin E (which helps repair damaged follicles) are two secrets behind strong, lustrous strands—and these nuts are full of both. All you need is 1/4 cup a day.

What’s more amazing about them, walnuts are packed with copper, which will help keep your natural color rich. Studies show that being deficient in the mineral may be a factor in going prematurely gray.




These rich fruits are high in oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid that helps skin retain moisture in the outer layer to keep it soft, plump and supple.




Beta carotene or vitamin A is loaded in Cantaloupes which is believed to regulate the growth of skin cells on your scalp and sebum in the skins outer layer. This keeps pores from getting clogged and causing flakes.


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