Health Life News

EM TV Cancer Awareness


by Bridgette Komatep – EM TV, Port Moresby

Revealing a painful experience after losing a loved one to breast cancer can be hard but it takes guts.

This was the case for EM TV News Producer, Sincha Dimara, who lost her sister, Salome to breast cancer in 2013.

Sharing her experience was part of PNG Cancer Foundation’s Awareness and Fundraiser, commonly known as the Biggest Morning Tea which was hosted by EMTV.

At the biggest morning tea hosted EM TV, it was revealed that one in ten deaths in Papua New Guinea is because of cancer.

Special guest at the morning tea, was the President of PNG Women Doctors Association, Dr Linda Sirigoi, and cancer survivor and advocate, Caroline Henao, the daughter of Loani Henao of Henao Lawyers. Representing the PNG Cancer Foundation, was Ascenate Asi.

In her brief talk on cancer, Dr Sirigoi told EM TV staff that cancer is real and it affects any individual and that bad habits such as smoking contributes to various forms of cancer. Infact, smoking is associated with more than 80% of other cancers. Thus, having work place policies helps in the long run.

She said it was only recently that PNG had a cancer policy that’s been circulated, however, getting the necessary resources to implement the policy remains one of the biggest hindrances.

The experiences of having to struggle as a carer for a family member with cancer were more real for EM TV News Producer, Sincha Dimara. She shared her experience when she had to administer palliative care for her younger sister.

Unfortunately for Salomina Dimara, she lost her battle to breast cancer in September of 2013. Her story and others can be retold to remind citizens that cancer is real and it does not discriminate.

To futher support the cause to advocate for cancer awareness, EM TV presented a cheque of K 5,000. Ontop of this, another staff member also donated a cheque of K1,000 to support the work of PNG Cancer Foundation.

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