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By Samantha Solomon

Papua New Guinea will now refocus on trade to improve the economy instead of seeking for aid.

PNG Prime Minister James Marape said this upon his arrival from Japan for the Pacific Island leaders’ forum yesterday.

He said PNG’s discussion was on how the developed nation can partner with small island countries to make sure their resources are fully given back to them.

Marape said that PNG has 60% of the worlds tuna supply caught from the pacific waters so the country’s contribution is very strong which means resources caught from waters are valuable and must translate back to empowering the pacific island nations.

He said that PNG has a Fish Domestication Policy stated that all fish caught in PNG waters must be possessed in PNG.

Other issues discussed including renewable energy, climate change, ways to do manufacturing in the country instead of depending on aids.

“We don’t want to sell raw produce but we’re asking those companies in PNG and new companies to come back in PNG and look into manufacturing space and Japanese have heard us clearly in that.”

He said instead of moving down away to seek aids and grants we want to start live on our own.

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