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The much anticipated Vote of No Confidence coming up in the next few days and the 18 government MPs have moved to the opposition side yesterday evening rallying their support.

Opposition team welcomed them at the Sanctuary Hotel in Port Moresby where they are currently housed.

The Prime Minister James Marape and Pangu Pati leader described the move as “blessing in disguise.”

“In some ways, this is a blessing in disguise for me that some of the excess fat in government is trimmed so that we can have a lean and coherent government,” Prime Minister Marape said.

“I thank those who were part of my government and appreciate their support for me until their departure on their own accord and I wish them well.

“This is a play for a vote-of-no-confidence, and I know they are joining the opposition that has Allan Bird as their nominee. I wish them well to assemble an alternative team and policy series that hopefully can do better for PNG than my Pangu and coalition team,” Prime Minister said.

The opposition side is expecting more members to join them however the government side is also confident to keep the members.

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