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By Samantha Solomon

A total of eight hundred cartons of reading books are going to be distributed to all schools in three districts in the Chimbu province.

The three districts are Sinasina Youngumul, Gynnie and Salt Nomane Karamui. This was an initiative by Charles Bilgan, a student at the University of Technology.

Reflecting back, Biligan shared that as a village kid growing up in Gumine, he didn’t have that much access to books as he would have wanted to.

“I feel like I had an obligation to give back to where I come from to help other village kids to study well and secure a better future too”, Biligan said.

Bilgan had applied to Books4PNGkids, a well-established charity organization based in Australia, and was successful.

While awaiting distribution, the books are kept at the University of Technology Campus.

Bilgan had handed over the books for Salt Nomane Karamui District to their student association at the university to do the distribution in their district during their upcoming holiday’s.

Bilgan expressed that his aim is to distribute books in all the districts in the province is because books are important.

He is now appealing to the national leaders of Chimbu Province to help him in terms of logistics so that he can distribute the books to all the schools.

He noted that some will need to be transported by air as the roads are not good enough to take the books to the schools concerned.

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