Education Highlands News Papua New Guinea

Poor Education Standards

Parents and the administration of the Southern Highlands Provincial Government have raised concerns on the poor standard of education in the province.

Provincial Administrator, Dr Joseph Cajestan said there will be a review in the provincial education system to identify the cause of the poor performances by their Grade 10’s and 12’s in the National Examination every year.

Meanwhile, the poor provincial education standard has caused the provincial education advisor, Che Mepio to resign.

The Southern Highlands Provincial education board and division have been criticized by parents and stakeholders, due to the poor performances of students in the Grade 10 and 12 National Examination results.

Provincial Administrator, Dr Joseph Cajestan said  every year, the Southern Highlands Provincial Government subsidizes school fees to the tune of K20 Million, and teachers must not blame the government, but instead provide quality education.

Dr Cajestan says it is disappointing to see schools not performing up to standard.

More complaints and pressure were directed at the former Provincial Education Advisor, Che Mepio, who resigned recently.

While stepping down due to poor performances of the students, Mepio said it is a collective effort of the education board and division, the school, parents and the students to achieve quality education.

Mepio said Standards Officers and school inspectors have a vital role to play to ensure teachers are in the classroom and students are being taught.

Imbongu MP and Inter-Government Relations Minister, Pila Niningi, encouraged parents to also provide the needed support for their children to excel.

There are total of 300 elementary, primary and secondary schools in Southern Highlands Province, more than 2000 teachers, a big sector that needs more attention from the government in terms of building more teachers houses, upgrading rundown facilities, building more classrooms and dormitories, science and computer labs and library.

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