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Head of Hela Technical School Destroyed by Arsonists says the School Will Be Rebuilt

The  head of a technical school in Hela Province  that was burned by arsonists last month has spoken out saying the school will be rebuilt.

The events  that triggered the attack on Ipau Technical Vocational School are not yet clear at this stage.

But a handful of young men destroyed the building of a School that showed great promise.

The founder of the School, Thomas Kopari has spoken out about the attack saying he has not given up and that he would rebuilt the School.

Thomas and his wife started the School in 2015, the idea was to give people in Hela the opportunity to gain technical knowledge at no financial cost to their families.

They used their own savings to construct the buildings and pay for the running costs.

What also stood out was that the School made a decision not to charge fees, instead students can pay the K50 registration fee in kind.

The school also got the attention of the UN which provided some additional support but Kopari says while the buildings have been destroyed they will rebuilt the classrooms and resume.

By Scott Waide, EMTV News.

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