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WHP COVID-19 Awareness Begins

The Western Highlands Provincial Covid-19 Taskforce Committee begins its awareness campaign in the Dei District of Western Highlands Province.

The main agenda is for people to practice hygiene by washing their hands with soap for more than 20 seconds, and self isolate them.

The committee met with local councilors, LLG Presidents, public servants, and the District Development Authority members to pass on the message to their people.

With limited available funding and equipment, the Western Highlands Provincial Health is encouraging people to follow government instructions to maintain hygiene and social distancing.

They will only attend to several cases of Covid-19 if PNG has an outbreak.

The authority says people experiencing mild cases have to self isolate to avoid the spread of the disease and use home remedies, stay hydrated, get lots of rest and eat food high in vitamin D.

Mt Hagen General Hospital’s ICU ward, which will be expected to take in patients, has limited bed space and equipment.

Western Highlands Provincial Health Authority Public Health Director, Benson Safi told the local Dei leaders, that they need to do more awareness to their youths to learn social distancing and self-isolation.

Safi told people that many have died due to complications caused by COVID-19, and if young people refuse to self-isolate, they will be putting the lives of their parents and grandparents at risk.

More awareness will continue to other districts in the Province, but the Provincial Taskforce Committee is working without any funding.

The health team said this would not stop them from doing their awareness.

People must adhere to instructions to self-isolate, wash hands with soap for more than 20 seconds every time after touch something, and mix 4 teaspoons of laundry bleach into 1-liter water to sanitize surfaces.


By Vasinatta Yama – EMTV News, Mt Hagen

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