Prime Minister, James Marape, was in Western Highlands Province to officially launch the Tambul Nebilyer Electorate’s ‘five year integrated development of 2019 to 2022’. The development plan consisted of ideas and needs of all the stakeholders and voters of Tambul-Nebilyer. The main priority of the five year integrated development plan is to connect all the missing links in the district.
Being one of the biggest electorate in Western Highlands Province with over 90, 000 populations, people are scattered with limited road access. The Tambul Nebilyer District Development Authority with their MP, Win Daki, plans to connect all the missing links, build bridges, and make way for other services such as health and education to reach the rural population.
DDA CEO, Phillip Telpa, says “this plan is consistent with the National Government’s Vision 2050 and Medium Term Development Plan, and Alotau Accord. It also captures the National and Provincial Government’s visions and plans.”
Situated at a high altitude, 60 percent of potatoes that are exported locally in Papua New Guinea comes from Tambul Nebilyer; after connecting the missing links, they will identify markets and bring in markets to the local farmers in the electorate to sell their produce and invest in agriculture.
The electorate has plans to partner with NARI and Fresh Produce Agencies to also market other produces such as broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and pineapples.
“You see broccoli, potato, carrots, cauliflower, but we need a tractor to plow them. Thank you Southern Highlands Governor, William Powi, for giving us the tractor,” the Tambul-Nebilyer MP stated.
The five year plan also includes education and health as their top priorities. Reports have shown that most babies in the area died from cold sick such as pneumonia. The National Government through the Health Ministry, contributed K2 Million to the Electorate, to build their new district hospital, that will provide health services to more than 40, 000 population.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister, James Marape, encouraged those in agriculture to produce more to sell more and get more money.
“In the next five to six years, more markets will be made available to local farmers. How will we convert the ground to produce such crops and we can get money? We are making sure that we turn back. That is by producing more and sell more to get more money.” the county’s Prime Minister.
The plan also looks at building the new administration building, rural electrification project, and building houses for public servants working and living in the electorate.
By Vasinatta Yama – EMTV News, Mt Hagen