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Morobe Education Division Allocates K7.2 million for Teachers’ Leave Fares

By Julie Badui Owa – EMTV News, Lae

The Morobe Education Division has allocated K7.2 million for teachers’ leave fares, from a K8 million budget promised to be paid to the teachers this year.

According to the Provincial Program Advisor for Education, Keith Jiram, the Division’s Leave Fares Committee rejected 229 application from 1079 that were submitted.

The teachers are expected to be paid starting next week.

The Provincial Program Advisor for Education in Morobe says 1079 teachers have applied for their leave fares this year; however, only 850 teachers will be paid. The Provincial Leave Fares Committee did not approve the other 229 applications.

Last year, a budget of K8 million was promised by Morobe Education Division and Administration to be allocated for this year’s payment towards teachers’ leave fares.

Due to rejection of the 229 applications, only K7.2 million will be paid to the teachers of Morobe. This payment also covers the teachers’ family members.

In 2017, some teachers claimed that their desired mode of transportation indicated in their leave fare application was not granted. Teachers from the highlands region said they have indicated to travel by air to their provinces; their fares however, were calculated as travelling by road.

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