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By Bradley Mariori

Work is currently in progress for the Afore to Itokama Road in Ijivitari District, Oro which is funded from the district’s funding from last year.

 K4million from last year’s funds was used this year for the 36kilometer stretch of the road which the contractor is doing basic grading and gravelling works or general maintenance.

Ijivitari MP David Arore who visited the road works on Wednesday said in line with the National Government’s Connect PNG program to open up the whole country with road network; it’s paramount to do likewise at district level.

He said when Ijivitari was split to Popondetta, they lost many roads.

The MP said currently, Afore LLG is not connected to Safia LLG, neither connected to TUFI LLG.

He said the cost of travel from Tufi Wanigela to Popondetta is exorbitant and can cost about K200 per person and their primary intention is to connect all LLGs in the district with road network

Arore said the district will also pick up from the existing logging roads and put money to start making road from Afore to Safia LLG and Safia to (Tufi) Wanigela.

The Ijivitari DDA’s agenda now is to engage surveyors by next week and establish scope of work or bill of quantity to open Tufi LLG especially from Wanigela into Safia.

Arore anticipated that in next  5 years, the whole district should be connected by road.

He also anticipated that Afore be connected by road to Sohe through Sairope to join Kokoda LLG (Sohe district).

Arore said once district roads are connected, his DDA will look at connecting Safia to Kupiano (connect Oro into Central Province and Port Moresby).

He said by 2027, road networks should open up markets as the district have abundance of food, fish, and agriculture products.

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