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WeCare Foundation Launches First Care Centre in Lae

By Himmat Shaligram, EMTV News, Port Moresby

WeCare Foundation, a non-profit provides support and training to women and children from settlements around Port Moresby.

At present, WeCare caters to over 750 children across Port Moresby and have now started their first care centre in Lae. Operating out of LaSalle Technical College, they run early education centres in settlements and train women to further educate children in their respective settlements.

The organisation functions on donations and relies on partnerships with companies across PNG who share their resources in terms of books, stationery, teacher-training and food supplies.

Program Manager for the foundation, Josephine Dromenge, told EMTV about their recent initiative.

“We were recently donated a container by an organisation and they wanted it to be converted it to a classroom but we realised it would be very hot for the students to sit and study. When water was finally available in the settlement we decided to install two septic toilets and also a shower. Some of these students will finally be able to have a decent shower.”

WeCare is currently partnered with Digicel Foundation which provides training to their volunteer teachers. In the past, they have partnered with Exxon Mobile and PwC. They have also partnered with the European Union for more supplies in terms of books and stationery. The organisation also supports and sponsors students from these settlements who wish to enrol in college.

WeCare recently started their new early learning centre in Lae and aim to open more in the coming months.

NASFUND Contributors Savings & Loan Society(NCSL) recently donated books and stationery which will help the learning centres function better.

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