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UOG and Unitech applicants required to sit for Aptitude test

The Papua New Guinea University of Technology is now into it’s second year of conducting Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT-P) for grade 12 school leavers applying for studies at the University of Technology.

Deputy Registrar Hendry Gioven said this week that registration for the STAT-P test will be closing on Friday the 15th of September.

“Each student is required to do a test booking before doing the registration” said Gioven.

Applicants to the University of Goroka are also required to take the test.

“For the university of Goroka both school leavers and pre-service non- school leavers for undergraduate courses should do the STAT-P test,” Gioven Said.

Gioven stressed that it is important for students to register and sit for the test stating that only students who sit the STAT-P test will be considered for studies in the two institutions.

Principals of schools around the country are being advised to assist students applying to UOT and UOG to register for the test.

The STAT –P tests will be conducted in the following locations; Port Moresby-Port Moresby National HIghschool; Kokopo-University of Natural Resources and Environment; Mt. Hagen-Holy- Trinity Teachers College; Goroka-UOG; Wewak-Mercy Secondary School; Alotau-Cameron Secondary School; Manus-Ecom Secondary School ;Buka- Hutjena Secondary School; Kiunga- Kiunga Secondary School and Lae-UOT.

The tests will be conducted at the same time in all locations from the 7th to the 9th of November.

School leavers are required to have email addresses and register through the following website, http://statpng.acer.org.

This process was adopted last year to ensure a fair and more transparent selection process. The test is offered by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER).

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1 comment

Joe Tombil 11/09/2017 at 12:33

I would like to commend the two Universities for introducing this STAT-P Test for students applying to get into our premiere universities. I wish the same test be conducted by other universities and colleges especially Teachers Colleges. I am saying this because I have seen and seeing a lot of,especially teachers, of recent years can not perform to expectation as classroom teachers therefore this entry test MUST be introduced to Teachers Colleges. Authorities must seriously look into this particularly Teachers Colleges because that’s where the foundations are laid.

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