The approval of the Road Transport Authority Bill by Parliament last month is paving new directions for the Land Transport Division under the Transport Department.
Secretary for Transport Roy Mumu, said, loopholes in vehicle licensing and registration have hampered the delivery of a reliable, safe, and efficient transport system within PNG.
This will be eradicated with the establishment of the Road Transport Authority in the coming months. The Road Transport Authority Bill was approved by parliament on the 27th of February 2014. The establishment of the authority will see major changes for the Land Transport Division in executing its functions and responsibilities.
Secretary for Transport Roy Mumu, said, the Road Transport Authority (RTA) will merge current functions of MVIL, Land Transport Board and National Road Safety Council.
He says over the past years licensing and registration of vehicles have been inconsistent with no proper regulation.
Mr Mumu said this is an important step for the country’s transport mechanism.
Mr Mumu is confident that RTA’s core functions will regulate and revive the whole transport system in the country.