By Jack Lapauve Jr – EMTV News, Port Moresby
Transparency International PNG (TIPNG) said the Government must make a full report on the Manumanu Scandal for public scrutiny.
Since it’s tabling in Parliament, TIPNG has attempted to obtain the Manumanu Administrative Inquiry but was informed that the full report has not been released by the Chief Secretary’s Office as custodians of Commissions of Inquiry. TIPNG is calling on the Chief Secretary and the Department of Prime Minister & NEC to release the full report.
The Manumanu Inquiry is for the K46 million paid to a dubious business entity for land allegedly valued at K10,000 in Central Province.
“For the Manumanu Inquiry to be complete, it must include documents pertaining to the valuation and sale of the land as well as the NEC decision resulting in the K46 million purchase with funds from the implicated agencies and leaders. If the report is deficient in any of these aspects, it is difficult to see how it exonerates either of the two Ministers or eight Heads of the Departments,” said the Chairman of TIPNG Lawrence Stephen.
According to TIPNG, this report costs tax-payers K2 million.